
Seven years ago my friend Judy pointed me to Robin Sloan’s Mr. Penumbra’s 24 Hour Bookstore: “I just read a book that made me think of you, in a bunch of ways,” she wrote.

Judy was right. I bought the book, and the next, and became, in so doing, a card-carrying Robin Sloan fan.

His newest book, Moonbound, was just released, and my copy arrived at The Bookmark as scheduled.


Ton Zijlstra 's picture
Ton Zijlstra on June 2, 2024 - 07:32 Permalink

Oooh, nice. Will order.

Gavin Anderegg's picture
Gavin Anderegg on July 16, 2024 - 10:18 Permalink

I picked this up over the weekend from the Halifax Bookmark location, and got a chance to read a bit last night. I'm hooked! Thanks for writing about this. I'll have to look into Sloan's other works as well!