The greeting card market is getting very particular. DesignGreeting Cards Comments Where is the one for "Mom birthday from funny daughter"? reply "Mom funny half-birthday from step-daughter" There must be other ideas out there. reply Being a twin, I have never noticed niche birthday cards for twins. Seems like an untapped market with the potential for lots of clever comments. reply Your name * E-mail * The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. Comment *
Being a twin, I have never noticed niche birthday cards for twins. Seems like an untapped market with the potential for lots of clever comments. reply
Where is the one for "Mom birthday from funny daughter"?
"Mom funny half-birthday from step-daughter"
There must be other ideas out there.
Being a twin, I have never noticed niche birthday cards for twins. Seems like an untapped market with the potential for lots of clever comments.