
Peter Rukavina

One clear signal that you hanging out with an art-insider crowd is overhearing frequent use of the word maquette, a word almost never heard elsewhere. If you’re an art-outsider, dropping an m-bomb (“did you see MacDougall’s maquette for his biennale piece?”) will allow you to immediately blend in (note strategic use of word biennale to add spice). Thrown in an intentionality and a representational here and there and soon you’ll be going to the coolest parties.

All of which I say by way of introducing you to four interesting maquettes currently on display in the subterranean hallways of the Confederation Centre of the Arts in Charlottetown, all shortlisted entries for the Centre’s commission for a new piece of outdoor sculpture for 2014:

"The Ark"

"A Slip is Not a Fall"

Michel de Broin Maquette

"A Canadian Map Garden"

You can see these maquettes and learn more about the artists and their proposals by visiting the Centre and looking in the glass displays opposite Memorial Hall (as I write there’s still some documentation, and perhaps a missing maquette, still to come).

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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