Making Panoramas with Hugin

I stumbled across Hugin, an open source photo stitching application, after hearing about OpenStreetView in a podcast interview with Steve Coast.

I’ve been interested in panoramic photo stitching since we first experimented it for these Quicktime VR panoramas of Green Gables back in 1997 (interesting side-story: those panos were used to help investigate the fire at Green Gables that happened only weeks after the original photos were taken).

The state of the art has come a long way since the clunky old (but still somewhat amazing) Quicktime VR authoring tools, and Hugin is a great example of this. After installing it, I dashed out the front door of the office and snapped 8 photos of the new Homburg Skyscraper:

Panorama Parts

Ten minutes later I had this:

Fitzroy Street Panorama


Steven Garrity's picture
Steven Garrity on August 17, 2009 - 03:02 Permalink

Is it just me, so does that new building still look like a CAD-rendered preview?

Olle Jonsson's picture
Olle Jonsson on August 17, 2009 - 08:04 Permalink

Good stuff, Peter. This is quite useful. Stitching’s mappings little sister.

(“Mrs gyrating” was the CAPTCHA, lordy.)

Felix Huang's picture
Felix Huang on August 17, 2009 - 14:58 Permalink

Very cool.

@steven The photos are too sharp and in high contrast so they look unreal.

Vivian's picture
Vivian on August 18, 2009 - 19:25 Permalink

Now it it could just remove poles and wires.

demacisaac's picture
demacisaac on August 20, 2009 - 03:36 Permalink

Hi Peter,

I have seen a few photo-editing sites but not this one. I really like the effects. I saw a lot of these types of pictures in presentaton houses in Toronto.

BTW, I happened to join Edtechtalk tonight and the conversaton turned to photo editing with students and the map city street projects going on in the world. Hope you don’t mind that I mentioned your blog as a a good place for information on both. Free adverstising, right?

keep writing
love seeing a touch of island