Lot 30

Peter Rukavina

[[Olle]] and [[Luisa]] were checking out of Prince Edward Island on Monday, so on Sunday night we took them out to Lot 30, Gordon Bailey’s new restaurant in the old Old Spain location on Kent Street.

It was, quite simply, a sublime experience. I have no recollection at all of what I ate (perhaps due to the bottles of wine we shared), but I do recall it was quite good.

Perhaps more than anything else it is the memories of service that remain, as it was of such a high level as to make other service in Charlottetown feel akin to being hit over the head with a blunt instrument: invisible when appropriate, witty and helpful when not, and never cloying.

The room itself is somewhat stark, but not unpleasantly so; all of the ghosts of Myron’s have been exorcised. The general effect was of stepping off Kent Street and into some other world, one not associated with Charlottetown in any way, more like eating in a Danish-inspired joint on Deep Space Nine. And I mean that in a good way.

It gives me a perverse sense of pleasure that Gordon has created a restaurant that, in the end, runs circles around the one his highfalutin former employers run out in the country. Bravo.


Submitted by David Fleming on


I find “highfalutin” quite amusing. Having spent time with the evil New Yorkers who own Dayboat and Flex Mussels, they have nothing but wonderful things to say about a province that routinely calls them down for their “big city” ideas.

Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


We were in a “throw caution to the wind because we won’t see each other for many months” mood, so price wasn’t an issue. Or as much of an issue as it would be in regular everyday life. Total bill for the four of us, with two bottles of wine and dessert, was $269 plus tip.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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