Live from the RoadTrek

Peter Rukavina

I’m sitting here just off the Trans-Canada Highway in an anonymous industrialists’ new RoadTrek van, using a 17 inch PowerBook to connect to a WiFi network in the main house to update my website. I’ve just been offered a choice of one of 6 beers (I opted for orange juice) and a bologna sandwich (which I politely turned down). Can life on the road get much better than this.


Submitted by Justin on


Oh, your host is O’K, but when you are my guest, not only will you be in the presence of the best of O’J, but I’ll offer treacle with your balogna sarney. Unfortunately, the technological fare will be rather meager, what with me being a Luddite and all… Anyhoo, the modem is winding down…

Submitted by Alan on


The silverorange gallery shows the summer fun van with the back end left out by the left hand side of the screen. Surely a photo of the license is somewhere.

Submitted by Christopher on


Does this have anything to do with the plethora of IslandTel sniffer vans converging on the site of a cross burning in Cornwall?

Submitted by Jean on


I try to find a slipping bags , I have a name but I don’t know if the right one ( ac-pack ) is it posible to receive web site .

Thank you, Jean

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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