Let There Be Life

Peter Rukavina

I recently helped the hosts of the Widow We Do Now podcast with a tiny bit of HTML wrangling for their Practical Tips for Early Widowhood page.

One of those practical tips is “Tend Something”:

Find something to care for or tend to. Don’t have kids? What about a pet? What about a plant? Don’t like plants? How about sourdough? Do something for somebody else. It will help you feel like you have some meaning and purpose.

It’s good advice. And, fortunately, with the May 20 last spring frost date coming up quickly, I needed to plant seedlings, so, tada, I’m now a tender of tiny vegetable plants. First to sprout was broccoli.

One of the lovely things to realize, becoming a late-onset gardener, is that I have the awesome resourced of my very-gardening-savvy colleagues at The Old Farmer’s Almanac at my disposal. They’ve proved very helpful so far, telling me, for example, super-obvious things like “how many seeds to plant in each seedling pod.”

Broccoli seedlings at 100 Prince Street

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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