It was the last good autumn day before a big stretch of rain and strong winds, and so a good day to clean up the back garden and pick the remaining apples on the trees to make the final batch of applesauce for the season.

It was the last good autumn day before a big stretch of rain and strong winds, and so a good day to clean up the back garden and pick the remaining apples on the trees to make the final batch of applesauce for the season.
Catherine would be very
Catherine would be very pleased with you.
Love the pinkness. Love
Love the pinkness. Love seeing the process.
I gather this was the whole
I gather this was the whole batch that you made and the applesauce will be consumed fairly quickly. If anyone makes applesauce in larger batches, it is important to note, for food safety, that they must be processed in a water bath canner for longer storage (no matter what one's mother or grandmother did)
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