Looking for pointer: is there anywhere to get keys cut in downtown Charlottetown? Note that the new hardware store in the Confederation Court Mall does not do this, as Catherine has just discovered.
Looking for pointer: is there anywhere to get keys cut in downtown Charlottetown? Note that the new hardware store in the Confederation Court Mall does not do this, as Catherine has just discovered.
Canadian Tire I think, and Burke and sons locksmiths beside dominos on the avenue.
Andrew, you obviously have some sort of definition of “Downtown Charlottetown” that includes Tyne Valley.
I think Burke closed recently. It looked shut down the last time I went by.
Superstore does ‘em. Closer than Tyne Valley anyway.
i got my keys cut at the new hardware store in the basement of CCM just two weeks ago.
Well, Tyne Valley may be an hour away, but it sure is worth the trip. Even if it is just to get your keys cut!!!
Actually, you’d have to go to Ellerslie Red & White store five minutes past Tyne Valley, ask for Don.
We don’t lock our doors anyway, no big city crime to worry about like in the capital.
Just put the key under the mat, no worries.
Where might I get the old style keys cut?
Thank you.