John’s Birthday Wish

Peter Rukavina

My office mate, and the closest thing I have to a spiritual advisor, Archdeacon John Clarke turns 60 on March 10, 2021, and all he’s asked for is healthy mothers and children in Rwanda, Burundi, Mozambique and Tanzania, asking well wishers to make a donation to The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund:

Your gift helps ensure the gains made in maternal and newborn health, food security and nutrition will be sustained in Rwanda, Burundi, Mozambique and Tanzania, while these partners work to supply vulnerable communities with PPE (personal protective equipment), information and facilities for handwashing and proper hygiene, and science-based information about prevention and treatment of COVID-19.

You can donate online and gifts are matched 6:1 by Global Affairs Canada.


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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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