Jill Barber

Peter Rukavina

After hearing Jill Barber live this afternoon, I immediately wanted to purchase her music. So I went to her website, which led me to Zunior.com, a download-for-money site with a refreshingly enlightened attitude:

All music downloads are in MP3 format (encoded at 192 kpbs, using Lame MP3 Encoder). We believe MP3 format still provides the most flexibility for music lovers. We want you to own the music you buy. Digital Rights Management encryption that is used by major labels (ITunes, Napster) severely limits your options and flexibility. Our MP3 music files do not require special players, or special permissions. When you buy from Zunior, you own the music. Although we do encourage you not to upload the music to file sharing sites like Kazaa, we realize that you want to own the music you buy. File sharing is part of the modern music exerience, and we support the philosophy of sample…then buy. zunior.com allows you to buy, and own, the music you ve discovered. We hope you discover even more on zunior.com.

I bought both of Jill Barber’s albums from them. It was quick and easy, and I’m enjoying her music as I type this. I encourage you to do the same.


Submitted by Ann on


I agree - she was fantastic. I saw her at a songwriters circle and her originality really shone.
Peter: the songwriter’s circle was hosted by your crush - Promo Girl. Too bad you missed the chance to see The Voice in person.

Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


While not aware that I had a crush on PromoGirl, I will admit to having run into her at the Delta over the weekend. We did not kiss.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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