Jean Canfield Building SOP

Peter Rukavina

In other Jean Canfield Building news, this boardroom booking website has an interesting manual of “Standard Operating Procedures” for the building. If you ever doubted the thoroughness of the federal government’s bureaucratic machine, you’ll be happy to know that, among other things, there are official policies on newspapers (“All newspapers, magazines and periodicals are to be delivered to each Department through the mailroom.”), plants (“No plants are allowed at the Jean Canfield Building.”), earthquakes (“Take immediate shelter and protect your face and head with your arms.”) and explosions (“Make an entry in the Post Logbook and submit an Incident Report to the Facility Manager.” — that’s only the last step, though).

Of additional interest is that the management of the building appears to have been outsourced to a company called SNC-Lavalin ProFac, a group that’s part of “the largest engineering and construction firm in Canada and one of the five largest in the world.”

Note to Jean Canfield Building operators: I think I may have accidentally booked the Port-La-Joye-Fort Amherst meeting room for 30 minutes on December 16 at 8:00 a.m. — feel free to remove my booking.

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