I've seen fire and I've seen rain

Peter Rukavina

Tonight I spent about 5 minutes of a 8 minute telephone call to Island Tel’s crack technical support centre listening to an orchestral rendition of Fire and Rain (somehow reverse DNS for my high-speed Internet account’s IP address disappeared; usual stupidity from ill-informed technical support — “What’s reverse DNS?” etc. — ensued).
How is it that the decision to play an orchestral rendition of Fire and Rain to callers on hold for technical support was made? Can you imagine a bunch of suits on the “Telephony-based Technical Issues Management Team” deciding that of all of the music in the world, it would be an an orchestral rendition of Fire and Rain that would make your pissed of customers less pissed off?

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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