It's Rainnieing, It's Pouring

Peter Rukavina

Congratulations to Bruce Rainnie, brother of our CBC afternoon radio jock Matt, just named the new Roger Younker for the supper hour newscast on CBC Television in Prince Edward Island.

When Steven Garrity and I were up at the CBC a couple of weeks ago, we saw Bruce nervously pacing, and now we know why. Bruce is well-spoken, amiable, excellent on his feet, and will be, I think, a great newscaster. We’re lucky to have him.

This move reinforces the importance of moving other Rukavinas here ASAP, as we don’t want the fragile Rainnie - Rukavina balance to be thrown out of whack. A longterm goal of mine has been to concoct some sort of CBC Radio game show that is peopled entirely by CBC-related siblings — we Rukavinas, the Rainnies, the McKenna brothers, Karen Mair and her sister, Norm and Ian Macdonald, Peter Mansbridge and his brother Malachy (okay, I made that one up). I can see this plan coming together now.

Kudos to Sara Fraser for handling Compass duties in the post-Roger period; I hope she’ll be re-assigned to reportorial duties and stick with the Corp.


Submitted by Rob Lantz on


There is already a game show peopled entirely by CBC related siblings - Smart Ask! - hosted by brothers, and sometimes summer residents of PEI, Nobu & Mio Adilman.
They can also claim to know Dave Hyndman!

Submitted by jamie on


I was told by a buddy working at the local Superstore that Peter’s real brother is Paul Mansbridge, VP Human Resources, (Atlantic Wholesalers Ltd.) Loblaw Companies Ltd., Dartmouth NS

Submitted by DerekMac on


– And the Murphy twins from the Augustine Cove area. I was betting on Tom to get the anchor job. If he wanted a day off, they could put Bob on the show, and most people would be none the wiser!

Submitted by Wayne on


Has Julie van Dusen EVER smiled…I mean EVER? It would be a real cloud-bursting ray of sunshine if she did it on TV. It would really better show her pretty face.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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