Island Cappuccino Morning #8: Delta Prince Edward

Peter Rukavina

You would think that the Delta Prince Edward, being the largest hotel on [[Prince Edward Island]] and thus temporary home to international financiers, rulers, and royalty, would seek to make the best cappuccino in town.

While the presentation was nice — look at that elegant swirl! — and the service was world-class, the cappuccino itself was moribund.

Delta Prince Edward Cappuccino

The worst of it was that it was served luke-warm. There was also the deflated foam and the coffee that was bland and tasteless.

If you’d asked me which would have a better cappuccino, tiny Linda’s next door or the Delta, I’d have picked the Delta every time. I was wrong. Sorry.


Submitted by Jevon on


I have often dragged a visiting friend of client out of the Delta, much to their surprise, and across the street to lindas. 6$ at lindas and I leave with a full belly, 20$+ at the delta gets me in line at the buffet.

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