I use iPhoto to manage my photos with my iMac. I use Drupal as a content management system for several websites I maintain. Drupal has an “image gallery” function that I use a lot. I also use Gallery to maintain some online photo albums (like this one).
Gallery has a neat iPhotoToGallery plug-in that allows photos, with titles and comments, to be easily exported to an online gallery.
I’d like to have the same thing for Drupal, and it occurs to me that the easiest way to do this would be to create a Drupal module that implements the Gallery Remote Protocol; this would mean that all of the Gallery client-side tools could be used to maintain Drupal image galleries.
Did you go through with the idea of creating a drupal module? I have a friend with a site with gallery imbedded in drupal, and I would love to use the iPhotoToGallery plugin to upload photos, but it doesn’t seem possible right now =(
see also
gallery remote for drupal — beta module