If you can make it to Portland...

Peter Rukavina

From Online Travel Review:

Good news for travelers in Portland, Maine: With Independence Air going the way of the dodo bird, you’ve been left without low fare service. Those days are numbered. JetBlue announced 4 times daily service to JFK beginning in May. The good news? Fares start at $59 each way, rather than the current $149 each way, with top fares only hitting $149.

This is the closest that [[JetBlue]] has come to [[Prince Edward Island]] yet. Okay, so it’s an eleven hour drive from Charlottetown. But it’s a good sign.


Submitted by Alan on


A favorite town visited twice a year at least. It’s really more an eight hour drive. Still a haul but worth it for the harbour activity alone: big navy, big commerical, little ferries, lobstering and tourist boats all in one spot.

Submitted by Ann on


Plus a ton of great places to eat and a firsy rate art museum.
And the Casco Bay islands to visit - where I would live if they would annex them to Canada.

Submitted by oliver on


I would expect there to be some cost beyond the additional mileage flying to Canada. Some kind of license maybe? Or can anybody with a jumbo jet land it anywhere and pay a standard rate for parking?

Submitted by Ann on


Thank you so very much for those pictures, Alan.
I love that ferry and I love those islands. Next time you go, stay on the boat and go on to Long Island. Let me know before you go nd I’ll tell you all about it.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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