I have never been to France

Much to my surprise, I realized this afternoon that I have never been to France. I would have thought that somehow in the last 37 (going on 38) years I would have ended up in France, if only by accident. By no, I have never been to France.

I came to this realization after following the link to world66.com’s tools for traveller page on Scripting.com.

Here’s a map showing the countries I have visited:

I’ve got a lot of countries left to visit, and not many years left!

I do better with the US states:

A couple of trips on Southwest Airlines and I could complete my game card.


Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


I should add here that all of this is a blatant rip-off of a map that my late grandmother Nettie was given by my parents, with all of the [many] countries she had visited highlighted with thumbtacks. It’s still sitting in my parents’ basement.

Submitted by Steven Garrity on


I’ve always thought it would be a cool life-goal to visit each of the contentinents at least once in my lifetime. One down, so far…

Submitted by Toby Rockwell on


Another country that’s missing is Dominica. Might be fun to see how many other countries are missing. Big world huh?

Submitted by Andrew Chisholm on


Peter, you know, of the south / west coast of Newfoundland France has control of a little island knower as ‘St. Pierre et Miquelon’. If you visited that island you could technically say you’ve been to France… :)

You’re doing better then me though. I’ve never left the Maritimes!

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