How much do I pay for electricity?

Peter Rukavina

So I’ve been looking at my own transaction information with Maritime Electric, pulled using the code I posted yesterday and here are some of the things I’ve learned:

  • Over the last 11 years we’ve paid $13,457.99 for electricity for our home in total.
  • The most we’ve ever paid for a month’s worth of electricity is $202.68 in February, 2003. That was the winter of a very bad series of winter snow and ice storms that caused ice build-up on our roof; one way we tried to mitigate the damage was with heating cables on our roof, which we ran pretty-well full-time for a month.
  • Later in the spring of 2003 we were in Spain from May 3 to 17, 2003; our bill for the month covering that period was only $21.13, the lowest bill we’ve ever had (which isn’t quite as “we used almost nothing” as it seems because we’d paid an “estimated bill” the month before of $148.34 which was presumably inflated by the expectations our February demand placed on the amount).
  • We use more electricity in February (average of $114/month) than in any other month; in June our average usage ($68/month) is almost half of that.
  • I consider myself a pretty “pay my bills on time” kind of guy most months, but I’ve managed to accumulate almost $100 in interest charges due to late payments over the last 11 years.
  • We contributed just over $700 to the Green Power Program that started in 2001 (I cancelled our contribution back in August; I figure wind power has enough legs to stand on its own now).


Submitted by Joel Ives on


Great Stuff Peter ! This is a tool that is great for our business to use for clients to have on hand. A programmer friend of mine in the states showed me his Google Power Meter once and I forwared it to someone at Maritime Elec but might have been over their head…

Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


Maritime Electric is, in my experience so far, actually pretty smart on the IT side of things.&#160 They don’t always get the usability right, but their online customer systems do contain a lot of good information, and I believe they’re willing to evolve them if there’s customer demand.

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