How to find The Guardian Missing Obituaries

The Charlottetown Guardian is in the midst of a website relaunch, something I imagine comes as a result of its corporate parent changing.

One of the pages that I–and I expect many–visit every day on the newspaper’s website is the obituaries page, a page that, as of now, is showing “Oh no! Page not found” and then linking back to itself.

In the new site header there’s an “Obituaries” link that goes to this mostly-useless page that shows a seemingly-randomly-sorted collection of 4926 obits from Prince Edward Island, with no ability to see those that are recent.

It turns out that there is a page that will show you the recent deaths, it’s just not that one, it’s this one, the results of an “advanced search” of the site for obituaries from The Guardian, in reverse chronological order.

I suspect that The Guardian will address this issue shortly, but if you want to keep up to date for the time-being, look there.

404 Page for Obituaries on The Guardian


Michelle's picture
Michelle on October 14, 2017 - 07:38 Permalink

Thanks, Peter. I was looking for the obits yesterday and was disappointed to find they were gone from the Guardian site.

trueman henderson's picture
trueman henderson on November 6, 2017 - 18:03 Permalink

looking for news of mary acorn Charlottetown born about 1923