How to cancel Eastlink Internet

We had occasion to cancel Eastlink Internet service this month. And it took the entire month to do so. 

There’s no way to cancel online.

There’s no way to email a request. 

The Eastlink toll-free number regularly has hold times of an hour or longer (we don’t know how long it takes them to answer, as they never did, over repeated calls). 

The online chat system has never displayed anything other than a wait time of 57 minutes. 

What we ended up doing today—finally—is canceling by SMS.

To do this required texting the word “Tech” to the SMS support number (because texting “Billing” consistently returns an automated “SMS is currently closed”) and then, once an agent responds, tell them you want to cancel service and they’ll “transfer” you to Billing. 

Once connected to Billing—it might take awhile—you will be asked for your PIN. If you don’t remember your PIN, or you don’t have one, you’ll need your account number and the amount of your last bill, to confirm your identity.

At that point, at least in our experience, it just takes a minute or two to complete the cancellation request.


Kerry's picture
Kerry on October 5, 2023 - 16:45 Permalink

We wish to cancel our cable tv Pin 2448 currently we have a credit but will no longer be using Eastlink please advise what to do with the boxes account 8125163730005088 tv May re aim on till the credit is used
Thank Kerry

Carol Horne's picture
Carol Horne on November 20, 2023 - 16:22 Permalink

Delighted to say that Eastlink may have improved their cancellation process (if not their prices which went up about 50% in 3 years) Took about a 10-min wait on chat, and all seemed to proceed easily from there. (Got my PIN on my second guess!)