"Honey, it would take a Bradley Fighting Vehicle to move me to mad from my current level of furious, so turn off the fucking light, go to sleep, and we'll try this again tomorrow..."

Peter Rukavina

Couples never kiss in Aaron Sorkin television dramas.

They argue.

They argue epically, eloquently, passionately.

In Aaron Sorkin’s made-up world, argument is the currency of love.

Lt. Daniel Kaffee argues with Lt. Cdr. JoAnne Galloway. President Andrew Shepherd argues with Sydney Ellen Wade. CJ Cregg argues with Danny Concannon. Danny Tripp argues with Jordan McDeere. Will McAvoy argues with MacKenzie McHale.

And, in this week’s episode of Sorkin’s The Newroom, Jim Harper (John Gallagher, Jr.) argues with Hallie Shea (Grace Gummer). The entire scene runs just over four minutes; here’s the last 38 seconds:

Surely this must rank as one of the most compelling couple-arguments in modern television.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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