Permit me to offer this one observation on the meeting of The Right Honourable Stephen Harper and Honourable Robert Ghiz yesterday: our Premier wears a suit much, much better than our Prime Minister …

This is neither a political observation nor a personal attack, simply an observation of fashion sense. Fashion is, depending on your point of view, either everything or nothing. (Images are stills from last night’s [[Compass]]).
I noticed the same thing in
I noticed the same thing in today’s Guardian photo also. What color were the pants? Blue or grey with a brown jacket?
Harper has a defeatist
Harper has a defeatist fashion sense.
Dilettantes are usually
Dilettantes are usually nattily turned out.
Joe was a great dresser too -
Joe was a great dresser too - used to shop at Barry’s Mens Wear for Samuelson suits when they were the awful sum $900. I know this because I bought the same suits, only a different size. I still have some of them in the closet for those PEI official occassions. So much for the 80’s.
Stephen (not my namesake) Harper needs to lose weight or get a new tailor. Suits look baggy on him. Of course as our imposter Prime Minister, he can never look good since he’s uncomfortable in his own skin.
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