Hello from Lisbon

Peter Rukavina

A brief wifi window here in Lisbon at the tail end of our vacation — we leave for Canada, via London, on Monday afternoon.

We’ve been spending the week exploring the city. It’s very different than Porto, where we spent two weeks last year — much more spread out, much more “modern” and with a different sensibility. And the cake shops — they are everywhere! Coffee is universally excellent.

We are museum junkies this trip. Yesterday [[Oliver]] and I visited the Public Transit Museum and the Electricity Museum and we were the only visitors to each (they actually had to turn the lights on in the Transit Museum, and fire up the trolley to take us on the ride through the transit yard). We finished the day at the Oceanarium:

Oliver at Lisbon Oceanarium

Day before was the Communications Museum and the Coach Museum. All are interesting, have excellent cafeterias, and mannequins that are frighteningly lifelike.

[[Mom]], [[Dad]], [[Catherine]] and [[Oliver]] are off to Sintra today while I spend some time alone and get together with Pedro for lunch. [[Dan]] and [[Becky]] are in town on Monday so we’ll have lunch with them before heading up to London.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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