I mailed a postcard to a friend up the street and had it hand-cancelled at the Charlottetown Post Office; she generously took a photo of it when it arrived.
The stamps are from a collection that was generously sent my way by an anonymous benefactor several years ago. They don’t make stamps like they used to, and it’s a joy to use them.
The cancellation stamp is beautiful; so much nicer than the stroke of a ballpoint pen.

Snail mail nerds unite!
Snail mail nerds unite!
Did you know PEI is one of the hardest provinces from which to create/send a "maxicard"?
Collectors around the world (at least on Postcrossing) tend to prefer the pictoral cancellations for maxicards, and on the Island, there is only one I am aware of that could currently be used to create a maxicard (at the Cavendish Post Office/Museum featuring Anne of Green Gables hat/braids). You can still find and use the old 2008 Anne of Green Gables stamps, and of course there are dozens of postcard options that fit the Green Gables/Anne theme, so it would be an Anne/Green Gables maxicard. I've created and sent a bunch. People adore them!
Much better! When my boys
Much better! When my boys were little, my mother-in-law would drive to the small town of St-Valentin, Quebec to have their Valentine's Day cards hand-cancelled with a special stamp. There's definitely something beautiful about a nicely cancelled postage stamp and what better than a valentine card sent from St-Valentin!
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