Hacker's Keyboard for Android

Peter Rukavina

Much of my writing here of late has been blogging-by-email, writing posts on my phone in Markdown.

It turns out that the Google Keyboard, while good for a lot of things, is not very useful for writing in Markdown, mostly because inserting links required the [, ], ( and ) characters, and there’s a lot of shifting required to type these.

So I’m experimenting with the open source Hacker’s Keyboard, which lets me stick these characters, along with some other characters useful for Markdown, in a 6th row of the keyboard.

It’s taking some getting used to, this new layout. And I do miss the ability to type-by-swiping dearly, so this might not stick. But I wrote this with the new keyboard and at least the Markdown bits were easier.


Submitted by Dave Hyndman on


On iOS I achieve the same thing via apps (eg Drafts) instead of a custom keyboard. I use a handful of text/Markdown apps that insert an additional row of special characters/commands/macros above the standard keyboard.

After writing in one of these special apps, the text/Markdown can then be dispatched to any number of apps for sending, publishing, etc.

Is this an option in the Android world?

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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