Google Maps + 100 Prince St.

Peter Rukavina
Here is a satellite photo of Charlottetown showing my house. Today is the first time I’ve ever notice any service by Google actually being slow — I presume this is because everyone else in the world is doing what I just did. Very cool.


Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


Funny, everything outside of Charlottetown looks like a “fuzzy image” to residents of Charlottetown too!

Submitted by John Boylan on


The maps are neat, but I’m equally, if not more, impressed by the “how to get here from there” feature. For laughs I typed in my old address in Vancouver and within minutes it gave me detailed directions for a road trip to 100 Prince Street with accompanying photos of all the intersections I’d encounter. This may breed a brand new type of travel where you pick a destination and let google choose how you’ll get there. What adventure!

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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