Google Canada: A Nova Scotia Company

Peter Rukavina

Interesting to note, via this list of Google companies filed with the SEC that Google Canada Corporation is a Nova Scotia corporation, something you can verify here at the Nova Scotia Government website. Curious.


Submitted by Alan on


I dimly recall that NS and NB tried to make themselves more attractive legally to foreign owned corporations. Delaware has done this quite successfully. But I can’t recall what rules they changed to achieve it.

Submitted by Schmeagal Lega… on


Simple: Unlimited liability companies…

Nova Scotia is one of the only (if not the only?) Cdn. province offering this type of incorporation. Many U.S.-based professional sports teams in the NFL and NBA who have to play in Canada are incorporated through Nova Scotia. Search for Detroit Red Wings, etc….

Over and out.

Submitted by oliver on


Half the world’s wealth in currency must belong to businesses incorporated in Delaware. “It’s the laws, stupid!” wouldn’t be a bad slogan for a president to keep in mind. Fortunately, besides all the sheltering from small states somehow also we seem able to get high-tone setting from the big states—California and Canada archetypically.

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