This Saturday, May 14th, 2022 the G’Ma Circle of Charlottetown Fabric and Yarn Plus Sale will be held at Spring Park United Church Hall, 65 Kirkwood Drive from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Fabric, yarn, jewellery, quilting squares, needlework kits, knitting needles, crochet hooks, books and patterns, notions, etc. Individual prices & by bag (yours or ours) starting at $10 per bag.
Proceeds support African Grandmothers raising grandchildren orphaned by HIV/AIDS via the Stephen Lewis Foundation.
When Catherine died in 2020 she left a studio filled with fabric, yarn, thread, fleece, and all manner of tools and notions. With the cooperation of the estimable Sharon Reesor, I was able, mid-COVID, to arrange to donate most of it to this sale, so you’ll find many strands of her there this weekend.
Catherine was so deeply engaged with the needle arts: they connected her to a rich past; she used them to communicate progressive messages. It would give her great solace to know that the stuff of her studio will live on in new hands to make new things.
Please be generous with your support of this initiative.
We are downsizing and have many items of thread ,notions, yarn
etc. and need a contact person and phone number.
Do you know when the sale for 2023 is going to be held? I love attending them! Thanks Bev B.