Garden State

Peter Rukavina

The film Garden State, now playing at City Cinema here in Charlottetown, is worth seeing, if only for the delightful performance by Natalie Portman. She is the new Drew Barrymore, but has twice the personality.


Submitted by steve on


I had a similar experience with “Garden State” — the movie was so-so with some mild charm, but Portman was luminous. I had all but given up on her after she had to play that awful princess with the weird voice in the new star wars movies, but man she has a real presence. It’s hard to play a “quirky” character without making them annoying or cartoonish, but she really pulled it off.

I like drew barrymore too, but portmanis sublime,

Submitted by oliver on


I think what the Star Wars movies demonstrated, though, is that Portman also has great presence in spandex. Plus Google says she goes to Harvard, so I suppose she’s smart. Maybe we should get something going here to rival the Tobey Macguire thread? Equal opportunity, and all that? Did I mention that she’s Jewish?

Submitted by steve on


I don’t think so. I think nathalie portman is hot, but so is denise roberts. Luminous is something more. It’s about presence, charisma, poise, wit and intelligence.

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