"The game is one of shrewd and amusing trading and excitement"

Peter Rukavina

We played a rousing game of Monopoly with my mother last week, using an older game that came from my sister-in-law’s family. I love the typography and the concision of the “Brief Idea of the Game” section:

A photo of the top of the first page of an older copy of the rules of Monopoly. The rules read: "BRIEF IDEA OF THE GAME THE IDEA OF THE GAME is to BUY and RENT or SELL properties so profitably that one becomes the wealthiest player and eventual WINNER. Starting from "GO" move Tokens around the Board according to throw of Dice. When a Player's Token lands on a space NOT already owned, he may Buy it from the BANK: otherwise it is auctioned to the highest bidder. The OBJECT of owning property is to collect Rents from Opponents stopping there. Rentals are greatly increased by the erection of Houses and Hotels, so it is wise for a player to build them on some of his lots. To raise more money, Lots may be mortgaged to the Bank. Community Chest and Chance spaces give the draw of a Card, instructions on which must be followed. Sometimes players land in Jail! The game is one of shrewd and amusing trading and excitement. (Rules for NEW Short games are shown on separate sheet)"

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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