Full Court Press

Peter Rukavina

Those who have been exposed to the silverorange virus will know that their basic negotiating tactic is akin to a full court press. In a sense they simply rearrange the planets in the universe so that they conform to their desired result. (I mean this in a good way).

Witness this sign, part of this pairing. Do I really have any choice but to move in with them now?


Submitted by Alan on


Nice signs. Nothing like wood to herald the dawn of an new IT era. A warning about what you might find one day - there was talk of a 15 foot metal sculpture in the form of a orange slice as if crashed frm space into the front lawn. Ask that they warn you before the performace art installation day.

Enjoy the Counter Strike. I, too, thought I would not get hooked: remember - flashbang, then enter crouched and spray the room.

Submitted by Rob Paterson on


I dropped in today - its Animal House meets the IT Kings. In the words of the CEO - Totally Awesome!

I feel very jealous. What a great space. Can this become the club as well as your office?

Submitted by Alan on


Did’t anyone tell Rob? You enjoy learning Counter Strike as well. It will go against everything you believe in yourself, you will feel a bit dirty, then you will find yourself daydreaming about flashbang, then crouch and spray the room.

Submitted by Craig Willson on


Beyond cool. A true creative tech cluster within sight of the ‘bright and shiny object’ on University Ave. Rock on guys - I share Rob’s envy.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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