Frühling, Sommer, Herbst, Winter

Peter Rukavina

Today was seasons day in the letterpress shop: Frühling, Sommer, Herbst, and Winter (generously contributed translations by Catherine, via Google Translate over the phone). One of the nice things about using a “defective” press – the Grafix proof press I’m using here in Berlin is only partially working and I need to manually roll the ink onto the type – is that printing multiple colours at the same time is easy. Or at least easier.

I printed 40 copies of a 20 cm by 40 cm sheet in four colours – green, red, orange and blue – and once the ink is dry tomorrow I’ll return and slice them up into 20 cm by 10 cm cards, which will fit nicely inside the 210 mm by 110 mm translucent envelopes I just picked up across the street at Modulor. I should have everything in the mail to my global network of subscribers by mid-afternoon Wednesday.







Submitted by Brian Dickinson on


Your postcard from Berlin arrived last week. Thank you.
I enjoyed the video of Druckwekstatt, and look forward to receiving your poster.

Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


Interesting side note: I printed the cards in two runs using on two different weights of paper, a card stock and a lighter weight. The difference between the two turned out to be the difference between €0.75 and €1.45 in postage.

Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


Apologies to those subscribers that receive their lovingly-prepared envelope with a computer-printed sticker that the postal clerk slap-dashedly placed on 5 or 6 rather than selling me individual stamps. For the remainder, the stamps were lovingly stuck on by Oliver and me.

Submitted by Georgina on


We received our letters page in the mail last week (having already received the Berlin postcard a couple of weeks ago). The children were excited to get a letter addressed to them. I couldn’t quite make out the date it was sent out, trying to explain the time involved to mail something from Germany and the travelling it had to do to get to us here at 241.

We took a photo, how can we share it with you?

Thank you!

The Lebedevs

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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