Free Audio Advertising

Peter Rukavina

Here’s a little experiment: if you call +1 (902) 367-3694 (that’s DOPE-MY-I if you need a handy mnemonic) you’ll here a short recording instructing you to “press 1” if you want to record an audio advertisement (project offline for a while). If you do press 1, you can record a message of up to 30 seconds, and shortly thereafter your “audio ad” will appear in the sidebar here, along with your name (from your Caller ID) and your telephone number.

You’re welcome to call in messages about anything — your business, your organization, your passion, your event. I reserve the right to remove anything insane, but I’ve got a pretty decent insanity tolerance. Up to six ads will appear at any given time — the six most recent ones phoned in.

This is free (unless, of course, you’re phoning long distance), may disappear at any time, and isn’t guaranteed to work.


Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


Small bug found. Working on a small fix. Keep calling — your ads will automagically appear shortly.

Submitted by Sharon MacAlpine on


I want to promote the National Day of Healing and Reconciliation on May 26 2007 10 30 am - 3 pm at the Native Canadian Centre of Toronto. Its a free event with lots of good food and interesting people.

As you can see from the website, the day itself is a federal initiative to aid in the process of healing and moving forward for people harmed by government policy - mainly around Natives and the residential school experience; we do have a Buddhist minister who will speak about his experience in the Japanese internment camps.

I was not sure whether your audio ads (interesting and innovative, BTW) were just for local events. If not, I am happy to submit one.

Either way, keep up the good work.

Sharon MacAlpine
Program Coordinator, Investing in Women’s Futures Program
Native Women’s Resource Centre of Toronto

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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