Ethiopia Library Night

Peter Rukavina

From radical librarian Brenda Brady at Holland College comes word of an intriguing and worthy fundraiser.

The Island Libraries group that Brenda helps shepherd has adopted a partner library in Frewoyeni, Ethiopia, and is raising funds at an evening at the Holland College Culinary Institute cafeteria on November 22 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.. Brenda explains:

It’s an open mike event, with performers, singers/instrumental soloists, a jazz combo, and several rock musicians. The star attraction, however, will be the food: the Culinary guys are whomping up a batch of African street food for us, including ostrich, spicy shrimp, lamb sausage, fried plantain, Kenyan soda bread, and other yummy delights. For a $5/head admission fee, you’ll get a sampler of African food plus drink (fair trade Ethiopian coffee or lemonade) and will be royally entertained. There will also be a silent auction (books, music, etc.), bake sale table, and sale of fair trade coffee.


Submitted by davem on


That was a lot of fun. The food was awesome. Great people. If they had one of those every month I’d be all over it.

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