ePrintIt comes to Charlottetown

Peter Rukavina
It seems we have a secret new addition to our downtown Charlottetown business community: ePrintIt.

Catherine went to Action Press this afternoon to get a colour copy made.  Their colour copier was busy, so they sent her across to the Dominion Building (aka “the old Post Office” / aka “where all those DVA people work”) and the Commissionaire there led her down a hall to ePrintIt’s Charlottetown office.

They made her copies, but seemed confused as to how much to charge her.  She said “I have three dollars.”  That seemed to make them happy, and they took her $3 and that was that.

Looking at their website, their quite technically sophisticated, and can accept documents for printing over the web.


Submitted by andrea ledwell on


Did you know that this used to be the Queen’s Printer? ePrintIt has been the owner for the last couple of years - having purchased it from Canada Communication Group - or maybe they purchased all of Canada Communication Group - who took it over when it was privatized. I am not sure if the same folks are working there - but when I was still on PEI doing design stuff for the Jive Kings, I used it a lot as it was a great low-budget, small print-run option. The service there was excellent.

Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


I had no idea this was Queen’s Printer. Amazing. Next thing I know I’ll be buying my bread from Shawn Murphy’s office.

Submitted by Alan on


Sad for such an ancient institution to slip from the public realm under such a taudry name. Hopefully the LCC PEI inevitable privitization won’t be into Anne’s Liquor Barn Inc.

Submitted by Alan on


My God, Ogg. You’ve let the cat out! No one knows about PEI catapulting on this blog! We’ll be innundated for tour stop requests!

Submitted by Christopher Ogg on


I happened to indiscreetly mention siege engines to one of your larger clients yesterday. Happily I was wise enough not to mention your name. The thought of their lawyers adding seige engines to the repertoire of tools they already use to sack and pillage would have been too much for his tender disposition. Mind you, I suppose a siege engine pales into insignificance by comparison with a lawyer’s timesheet and the idea of “our assessment of the value of our work to you”. I have encrypted this message in Tignish-speak so that only you can read it. Ordinary blog readers (except those with Don’s decoder ring) will see only a stately reference to the Lake of Shining Waters IODE.

Submitted by Alan on


I am merely glad that I can exist professionally to distract jibs from others - such as, perhaps, cheesemakers -who might otherwise overly salt the cheddar with their tears…

Odd, this roving thread….

Submitted by christopher on


Just so long as you don’t salt that wonderful beer of yours with your tears. The emmenthal makers, on the other hand, might benefit from a few jibes if it would up the salt content of their product. Do you happen to know if they are at all like lawyers, in which case the same jests might work?

Submitted by christopher on


Just so long as you don’t salt that wonderful beer of yours with your tears. The emmenthal makers, on the other hand, might benefit from a few jibes if it would up the salt content of their product. Do you happen to know if they are at all like lawyers, in which case the same jests might work?

Submitted by christopher on


oops there’s an undocumented feature of PHP interacting with IE5. Log back onto and refresh the page and you’ve said it twice

Submitted by Alan on


You realize, don’t you, I have a making cheese in your own home kit so the jokes can merely be transposed. Not made any yet - working on the Marston Pedigree cloning still - so jibe away.

Submitted by christopher on


now if we can just convince Dave at NRC to licence us a distilling device for R&D purposes and it’ll be cheese, kirschwasser and bread (I *assume* you bake and I can make a decent fondue) with beer to drink between meals to help us lubricate the siege engines. <sigh> And all in Anglo Rusticoville. The Acadiens will be jealous.

Submitted by Alan on


I did not realize Peter had sustained the discussion function beyond the front page.

The acadians are now beneficiaries of my food and music taste as I have been invited to join the Rendezvous Rustico committee and look forward to helping expand the eats component of the late July weekend fest.

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About This Blog

Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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