
Peter Rukavina

Speaking of easyJet: they’ve now moved on to pizza. Really.


Submitted by oliver on


My Swedish friend in California referred to his corner store as the “Eee-Zed” until we corrected him.

Submitted by john j on


that stellios who calls himself in his advertising as a serial entrepreneur would be well advised taking lessons from tony robbins or alan sugar
it turns out that his easymobile venture has like all his other halfbaked ventures turned out to be an albatross
easymobile is a business located in wales NOT owned by stellios
easygroup is a business based in portsmouth also NOT owned by stellios
orange mobile must have rubbed their hands together with glee because easymobile actually happens to be a existing reseller for orange!!

Submitted by dave on


EL Stel Trips up over another Easymobile fiasco
Added: (Mon Jun 06 2005)
Le haji-Ioannou-Ioannou de Stelios a une fortunepersonnelle de plus de

Submitted by dave on


EL Stel Trips up over Easymobile fiasco
Added : ( july 2005 )

Stelios Haji-Ioannou has a personal fortune of more than

Submitted by hays on


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Car hire that drives you to distraction

We have been inundated by complaints from angry readers covering almost every aspect of their experiences with easyCar. Mary O’Hara reports

Saturday November 8, 2003
The Guardian

EasyCar, the car hire firm run by headline-grabbing entrepreneur Stelios Haji-Ioannou, must be one of the worst-run companies in Britain.
Last Saturday we exposed the plight of readers who had fallen foul of the firm’s bargain-basement business practices. Within 24 hours of publication, we were deluged with emails and letters from other angry customers.

It also prompted people to send us similar complaints about no-frills airline easyJet. As the extracts from some of the letters show, customers encountered a wide variety of problems. Today the business plan of buying cars in bulk and renting them dirt cheap looks flawed, despite reassurances from Mr Haji-Ioannou that things are improving.

Some readers have told us they believe they have been given cars that are unfit to drive. Mr Haji-Ioannou this week flatly denied any accusations that unroadworthy cars were being given to customers and said that part of the reason for so many customers not being given a car at all was because safety was his “main priority”.

There are plenty of other criticisms. Week after week, people are turning up to find the easyCar depot with their car is shut or unmanned.

Where a member of staff can be found, all too often customers say they are being told there is no car available. As we have discovered, this is usually because the company’s policy of over-booking means the same car is booked out to multiple customers at the same time. Then there is the claim that cars brought back in an un-roadworthy state are left sitting in car parks because skeletal resources mean there is no one to fix them.

Customer experiences suggest that any staff on site - usually in the portable white van that substitutes for a permanent office - are so overwhelmed by complaints they resort to rudeness or lock their van (which doubles as an office) and make themselves scarce.

Latest complaints are from people who found inexplicable charges levied out of the blue on their credit card - months after their last car.

Daring to complain, seek a refund or attempt to muster some compensation brings its own problems. The premium 60p-a-minute phone line is either jammed or you are put on hold for lengthy periods while all the time paying for the privilege. The email complaints system is woefully ill-equipped to cope with the volume.

Mr Haji-Ioannou has assured Jobs & Money that he is on top of the problems. More staff will be hired, he insists. The call centre is being moved to India and site inspections stepped up.

Case study: Grateful that the truth is out now

Will Hyatt was one of the many frustrated easyCar customers who contacted Jobs & Money. A general manager at a large retailer in Wood Green, north London, Mr Hyatt has fallen foul of the company twice. Now he is “so grateful” that problems with the firm were “finally being exposed.”

He says: “Thank you. I thought it was only me that received bad service. Twice I had no car. And when I complained about the telephone number being 60p per minute I was told that the European number was a normal rate so to use that. The guy also said that morale amongst staff was so low that all they did all day was deal with complaints.”

Mr Hyatt says he “feels sorry” for the people employed by the firm who end up having to deal with disgruntled customers and who are left to try to sort out the problems if the customer service number fails.

“I’ve gone back to Hertz now. It’s just not worth the hassle,” he says.

“I think the surcharges are just a scandal,” he adds. “They’ve introduced this

Submitted by hays on


Stelios steals our Brand Name !
Added: (Fri Jun 24 2005)
www.easycentre.com are angry that ‘Stelios’ the serial ? is attempting to use the name ‘easycentre’, which was registered by our company long before Stelios thought of the concept.

Stelios purchased ‘easy.com’ from Simplied Communications (in Waco Texas), at the end of 1999.

He claims to ‘own’ the right to all domains with ‘Easy’, which the WIPO and the UK High Courts disagreed with and through out his claim.

Now, he is attempting to CLONE our concept of offering multiple choices on one web portal.

All emails to stelios@easygroup.co.uk have been ignored and we reserve the right to issue proceedings against him in the courts of Inglewood, CA.

Stelios steals our Brand Name !
Submitted by: N. Hilton

Submitted by cephus jepal on


Child porn ring run from “easyinternet” cafe owned by “stelios haji-iannou”

The court heard the porn ring was run from a cafe
A Glasgow student has admitted running an international child porn ring from an city centre internet cafe.
Nicholas Dockray, 31, sent images of children being abused to paedophiles in the US, UK and Europe.

Glasgow Sheriff Court heard Dockray was traced to the cafe when Croatian police arrested a known sex offender, who was a member of the porn ring.

Sentence was deferred for a risk assessment and Dockray was placed on the sex offenders register.

He had been caught when the police in Croatia found repeated references to a person nicknamed Kinderpix who ran the site.

He was thanking them for posting images and encouraging others to follow suit

Keith O’Mahony

Kinderpix was eventually identified as Dockray.

The inquiry then spread and after a two-year probe the 389 members of the ring were identified.

They will now be traced and possibly charged with child porn offences.

Dockray, a second-year student studying history and philosophy, admitted distributing or showing indecent photographs or pseudo photographs of children and taking or permitting indecent photographs or pseudo photographs of children.

Surveillance operation

These offences were committed in the Easyeverything Internet Cafe in St Vincent Street, Glasgow, between 15 December, 2002, and 15 August, 2003.

Dockray, of Commercial Court in the Gorbals, also pleaded guilty to having indecent photographs or pseudo photographs of children at the cafe on 16 August, 2003.

The court was told that police launched an undercover surveillance operation and also examined hours of CCTV camera footage.

Dockray was arrested at the cafe in August 2003. His flat was searched but he did not have a computer.

Danger claim

The court heard that Dockray did have 879 still images and 104 film images of child porn.

Keith O’Mahony, prosecuting, said: “Also found were communications from the accused and other members.

“He was thanking them for posting images and encouraging others to follow suit.

“One of the members complained that the site was not properly protected from detection and the accused told him it was to ‘allow new blood in’.”

When interviewed by police Dockray claimed he was not interested in having sex with children and he was not sexually aroused by the images.

He said he only got involved because of the danger aspect of it.

Submitted by steve builder on


i cant understand this stellios geezer. i think he is a right gary glitter and he probably takes it up the gary glitter as well!!

talk about a gay guy who fancies himself
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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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