Downtown Schools Family Fun Day

Peter Rukavina

You may recall a post here back in January about a project to bring the home and schools of the five downtown Charlottetown elementary schools together to organize a joint activity together. I’m happy to report that we’ve been meeting over the winter and spring (at each other’s schools, which has been a great learning experience in and of itself) and our activity is happening this Saturday, June 2, 2012 at the University of PEI campus.

We sent out registration sheets to all of the families in the five schools (West Kent, St. Jean, Spring Park, Prince Street and Parkdale) last week, but just in case your family’s sheet didn’t make it home, here are the details.

The “Downtown Schools Family Fun” event runs from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on June 2 at UPEI. Everything is free, and the event is limited to parents, students and other family members of those from one of the five participating schools (families of children entering kindergarten in the fall are welcome). Registration starts at 11:00 a.m. in the foyer of the CARI complex. The following activities are scheduled:

  • Atlantic Veterinary College “Teddy Bear Clinic” — bring your teddy bear or other stuffed animal to the vet college where vet students will give it a check-up and treat for any illnesses or injuries. In the AVC foyer.
  • Mini-university Activities — a selection of activities from UPEI’s summertime “Mini-University Camps,” all with an emphasis on participation and involvement of everyone in the family. In the AVC gymnasium.
  • Mult-Sport Activities — a selection of sports and recreation activities, also geared for everyone in the family. In the AVC gym and, if the weather is good, on the turf field to the north of the CARI complex.
  • Open Swim — starting at 2:00 p.m. and runing until 4:00 p.m., in the CARI pool, a free open swim for all attendees in the CARI pool.
  • The Provincial School Track and Field Meet is being held on the track next to the CARI complex, and everyone attending our event is welcome to take in some of the action there (admission is free there too).

You can pick and choose which events you want to attend, or do everything. You don’t have to show up right at 11:00 a.m. — the registration desk will be staffed until 1:00 p.m.

We asked families to register in advance on the forms that were sent home last week, but if for some reason yours didn’t, don’t let that stop you from attending: just show up at the registration desk any time after 11:00 a.m. You don’t need “proof of studentship” — it’s on the honour system.

Parking is free (park in the CARI lot behind the pool/rink complex) but we’re encouraging families to take public transit: just tell the driver you’re going to the Family Fun event at UPEI and fare is only $1 per person each way.

The event is happening with the generous support of the UPEI Athletics Department, the CARI complex, principals and parents at the five schools, and with funding from a Parent Leadership Grant from the PEI Home and School Federation.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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