Doug Savant

Peter Rukavina

On the off chance that you, as I, were wondering which actor played the kindly priest on the recently aired episode of NCIS titled “A Weak Link,” it was Doug Savant, who played Matt Fielding on Melrose Place.

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Submitted by matthew hotchkinson on


doug savant was like so cute as matt fielding on melroe place he had it all the looks the body and he really had the ass once i was watching a rerun of melrose place on the style network and he bent over and goddanm his ass took up the whole screen and not thet thats a bad thing and now that hes on desperate housewives hes changed a lot like now he doesnt have a nice body hes fat and his hair looks like hell and he looks really really really old but the one thing that is the same about him is his ass is that his trademark or something

Submitted by Shannon on


lmao @ the above comments

I googled “Doug Savant has a fat ass”, and saw this post

Watching my favorite tv show-Desperate Housewives-and he really has a big ass!!

They often have a t-shirt pulled down over it when he’s in sweats or pajamas, to try to hide it but it’s a real presence, in and of itself
The guy above that said his ass took up the whole screen when he bent over
And that was in his prime!

It’s just a huge, fat ass now

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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