On the wall at Beijing Restaurant in Charlottetown are two facsinating charts: on the left is a chart showing foods you should eat together; on the right is a chart showing foods you shoul not eat together.
So, yes to “pineapple and pork,” yes to “mushrooms and cauliflower,” but no to “bananas and sweet potatoes,” and no to “carrots and parsnips.” I think the right-hand chart also suggests that you shouldn’t eat garlic-flavoured dog, but I might be misreading that.
No Carrots and Parsnips?? Two
No Carrots and Parsnips?? Two of my favourites for roasted veg…
ahaha, brilliant, I guess it
ahaha, brilliant, I guess it’s one of those dishes that we don’t want to ask whats in it before… or after ;)
Very poor advice on carrot
Very poor advice on carrot/parsnip intermingling.
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