David Ramsden: The Complete Boxed Set

Peter Rukavina

When I wrote about my lunch with David Ramsden earlier in the week, I took a flyer and uploaded a couple of tracks from his albums – two versions of come Inside – to Soundcloud. David found his way to my post, and wrote a kind note on Facebook where he said, in part:

When you read this, you will hear two versions of my song “Come Inside” with the lovely Rebecca Jenkins, one recorded live at the Cameron House in Toronto in 1990, the second from my CD “The Rhythm of the Lonely Road”, produced by Ken Myhr and released in 2001. Reading this today before I venture out onto the island brought a flood of memories back to me, as did our lunch yesterday.

The tracks themselves have been listened to almost 200 times since I posted them, and I asked David if he’d like me to post the complete albums to Soundcloud, to which he quickly replied “yes.”  After some futzing around bringing his Soundcloud account back to life, I’m happy to announce that you can now listen to the complete albums of Quiet Please! There’s a Lady on Stage and The Rhythm of the Lonely Road on Soundcloud:

This is such a great gift to the world from David: they are great album and deserve a wide audience. Please share!

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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