Dave Winer and Betsy Devine Eat Breakfast

Peter Rukavina

If you every had any doubts about the value of Dave Winer’s “just let it all happen” approach to podcasting, listen to this podcast, a recording of breakfast with Betsy Devine. It just happens, and it’s very interesting.


Submitted by oliver on


I got about a fifth of the way through without getting interested. Should I have persisted? Audio isn’t exactly progress in all aspects, given that you can’t skim or search. It also makes mouse, screen, keyboard, desk, chair, office and even staying stationary seem suddenly pointless. Oh, sorry, I’m complaining again. I’ll concede it’s cool.

Submitted by oliver on


I skipped ahead and it got interesting, plus as I sat at my keyboard I used my mouse to open another window and diverted myself whenever I was less than rapt.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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