Dave on the Bus

Peter Rukavina

In today’s edition of The Quack, Dave writes about public transit on PEI:

My teens love the bus now. All of them. And mostly because it’s free for them.

We are so lucky in Charlottetown to have this free bus for riders 18 and under. It means the entire city is open to them. Alice wants to take the bus everywhere. When you’re 13 and you can go anywhere in the city you like? That’s a pretty nice feeling.

Even better, the bus network on PEI can now take you around the Island. Want to go to Souris? 2 bucks. Want to go to Tignish? 2 bucks.

One of Jane’s buds is staying with us this summer. Anthony has a job at farm up in Millvale. He takes the bus to Hunter River, and his boss picks him up. Easy peasy. We couldn’t have driven him this summer, but the bus made this job possible.

On Anthony’s day off, I told him about a used book store in Summerside. He didn’t think twice. He jumped on the bus to Summerside to check it out. Because he can.

Anyway. The bus. I love it.

This is exactly the way transit needs to be viewed—as the default way we get around. It’s heartening to learn that at least a slice of the next generation is already there.

I generally prefer blog over newsletter, but Dave’s Sunday morning ruminations on pigeons, cats, and midtown life are a welcome exception. Subscribe.


Submitted by Madeleine on


Well that's very interesting. I'm headed out to PEI next week. With my four young children. Maybe we'll take the bus while we're there.

Submitted by Madeleine on


What's this?

Typographical references? Kerning?

I'm an ex graphic designer and lover of typography. I may have to bookmark this blog.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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