
Peter Rukavina

I’m getting the eavestroughs replaced on 100 Prince Street this morning, and the crew from North Shore Eavestroughing needed the parking spots in front of the house for their truck.

Irrationally, this is the kind of thing that gives me anxiety. So I nipped my anxiety in the bud, invested $5 in a set of four safety cones at Home Hardware, and affected a professional-grade street-blocking with absolutely no legal right to do so.

It worked.


Submitted by elmine on


I had to search for the term eavestrough. Thanks for teaching me a new term. Dakgoot, it’s called in Dutch.

Eavestrough seems to be a particularly Canadian term for what our American cousins know as gutters or rain gutters.

That North Shore Eavestroughing was our installed was based, in no small part, in their use of the domain name

(I see that a similar company is using

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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