As much of North America has been plunged into a deep cold snap, we’ve gotten off relatively easy so far; it’s been cold, but it hasn’t (yet) been cold.
Nonetheless, we’ve suffered our first bout of “the tiny pipe to the dishwasher has frozen” of the season.
The space heater that we’d used in previous winters to help cure this broke down last year, so I was off to Canadian Tire after supper to find a replacement (those dishes aren’t going to do themselves).
Fortuitously, Canadian Tire had a sale on oscillating fan heaters (regularly $32.99, on for $19.99), but the signs advertising this were missing from the shelves, so there were still plenty of heaters in stock (13 left after I bought mine).
The under-cupboard is warming as I type, and there’s hope that the dishes will be washed by bedtime.

Hello Peter, I wish to bring
Hello Peter, I wish to bring to your attention the new FB page of the Charlottetown Downtown Resident Association - CDRA. I am now the spokesperson for the group. CDRA as you know as been around for a few years. The group is relaunching itself and has many new members. Many others have moved away or dropped out. Our focus is inclusive of all residents and be positive as an advocacy group finding solutions and engaging in dialogue and communication, more so than in the past.
I take this opportunity to wish you and your family all the best for the New Year 2018, Meilleurs Voeux!
Unfortunately I’m not a
Unfortunately I’m not a Facebook user. Best wishes for the new group.
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