City Cinema in Different Bits

Peter Rukavina

City Cinema has one of the oldest commercial websites on Prince Edward Island. It originally went online in the very, very early days of ISN, back in 1995. The site has had many incarnations over the years, but it’s always been almost exclusively about telling people “what’s playing.” It amazes me still how many cinema sites obscure this information several clicks down into their sites, for that’s the only reason why people are visiting, on balance.

In any case, this is just a note to alert you all to the presence of the following experimental services, each delivering the City Cinema scheuled in a different format :

I’d be happy to make the schedule available in other formats; just let me know.


Submitted by Jevon on


The RSS feed will be the most useful for me. I had been using the iCal feed, but it didn’t click with me. I have my RSS feeds coming into an IMAP e-mail account, where I read them as they come in. Having the City Cinema showings come this way will be useful.

Note: I recently finished a website for a friend who owns Cedars Eatery/Baba’s lounge. RSS feeds of their weekly specials and their bar entertainment will be here shortly.

Submitted by Steven Garrity on


I too will use the RSS feed. This will actually make me go see more movies (I usually miss the ones I want to see out of my own ignorance).

Submitted by Isaac on


Love the RSS feed as well. May I suggest something that says how many more nights the film is in town without having to check the site. I always end up missing a film I really want to see because I put it off one two many days.

Submitted by Kevin on


the ical blew up for me — redundant entries and stuff jamed to the bottom of the screen with no scroll bar to read it… any idea why? On the other hand it was a single click from your link to the complete task including the launching of iCal on my 17.

Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


I’ve now added a warning to the RSS output for each film. On the last day a film plays, you’ll see “This is the last night for this film.” Leading up to the last day, you’ll see “Only X left to see this film.” Hope this helps. Please mention the RSS feed at the door if it prods you to action.

Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


Kevin, you need to adjust your iCal preferences to show more of the calendar: click iCal | Preferences and change the “End at” value to later in the day:

<img src=”/images/icalpref.gif” width=”481” height=”421” border=”0” alt=”” class=”CentreImage”>

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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