City of Charlottetown Technology Watch, April Edition

Peter Rukavina

Here are the technology-related expenditure motions at the April City of Charlottetown Council meeting:

Moved by Councillor Stu MacFadyen; Seconded by Councillor Kim Devine:

That the City of Charlottetown enter into a contract with ESRI Canada to provide software, installation and support associated with the Complaint Tracking Project in the amount of $51,295.00 plus taxes. Further that this purchase will be expensed out of the 2004 Operational Budget within the Smart Communities Account.

Moved by Councillor Stu MacFadyen; Seconded by Councillor Kim Devine:

That the City of Charlottetown accept the quotation of $19,872.00 plus taxes from Xwave to purchase twelve handheld computers and software associated with the Complaint Tracking Project. Further that this purchase will be expensed out of the 2004 Operational Budget within the Smart Communities Account.

Moved by Councillor Stu MacFadyen; Seconded by Councillor Ken Gillis:

That the City of Charlottetown agrees to enter into a four year lease purchase arrangement with DeltaWare Systems Inc to provide the Oracle 11i Upgrade and hosting services as per the following cost schedule:
  • 2004 $35,072.50
  • 2005 $35,072.50
  • 2006 $35,072.50
  • 2007 $15,000.00

All of the motions carried unanimously.


Submitted by Bruce Garrity on


I questioned the $70,000+ for the Complaint Tracking System prior to the vote and after some discussion I thought , OK, guess you guys know this issue better than me so i voted for it. The next day I emailed all Council to ask that we give it a sober second thought and not approve the spending. I have not received any replies on this point… I was wrong to vote yes— actually I think it’s really out of line to spend $70,000 when we are $70 million in debt!
Bruce Garrity

Submitted by Mark Stewart on


How many companies in the area were considered? Where there any more companies considered or was Deltaware the only company in line for this. Is there a link the this tender?

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