Charlottetown Library Hacks

Peter Rukavina

A collection of hacks for patrons of the Charlottetown Library Learning Centre that I will add to over time.

Using the Computers

If you have a library card, you can self-serve login to any of the public computers with your library card number and your four-digit PIN: just follow the instructions on the screen.

One caveat: if you have changed your library password to something more secure than a four-digit PIN (which you can do using the online catalogue My Account > User PIN Change function), you will be unable to login to the library computers, as they require a four-digit PIN. Your in-library recourse is to ask a librarian to change your PIN for you (which you can change back later if you like).

Printing from the Computers

You can print things on the photocopier/printer located near the Maker Space from any of the public computers. Do do this you sign in to the computer, print from any application as you normally would, logout, then visit the printer, click on “Release Print Jobs” on the computer beside it, enter your library card number, and select the jobs to “release” (which means “print”). You then make payment in the box beside the printer and your pages will print. They come out in a drawer that’s not immediately visible: you need to look in the slot on the lefthand side of the printer.

One caveat: you will need to have bills or coins, as there is no provision for credit or debit payment, and there are no stored-value cards available. Copies and prints are 10 cents per page.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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