Earlier this year I added an “imported” column to the pei.consuming.ca web app. I was pulling this figure from the New Brunswick System Operator System Information page.
I’ve since learned that this is the electricity that is scheduled to be imported, not the actual flow of electricity over the submarine cables.
So I’ve changed the methodology for calculating the “imported” column to simply be:
imported = load - (wind + solar + fossil)
I’ve been reassured by PEI Energy Corporation that this will result in an accurate value for “imported.”
For longtime consumers of this web app, this (finally) answers the question that several of you have asked: why don’t the “generation” numbers add up to equal the “load.”
If imported is a ‘good’…
If imported is a ‘good’ number then the sum of wind, solar and fossil must also be ‘good’ so that the equation holds. Why then does the PEI EC prevaricate on the ‘goodness’ wind by saying that sometimes wind is partially exported?
The accuracy of load is assumed.
* ‘goodness’ of wind
* ‘goodness’ of wind
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