C'est pour ouvrir?

Peter Rukavina

Question asked when shopping today in Paris. Answered “yes” and item was nicely wrapped on its own.

“It’s for opening?”

It took me 43 years to get to Paris. I wish someone had thought to suggest I come here earlier.


Submitted by oliver on


I had the best chocolate I have ever eaten and visited an amazing chocolate shop on Isle St Louis called Cacao et Chocolate near the Pont-Marie Metro. Go! They seem to have three branches in Paris
O.K. here from the Web site
Adresse :

29, rue de Buci - 75006 Paris France
tél : 01 46 33 77 63
fax : 01 46 33 80 29
Métro : Mabillon ou Saint Germain des Près
Tous les jours de 10h30 à 14h et de 15h à 19h30
Adresse :

63, rue de Saint Louis en L’Ile - 75004 Paris France
tél : 01 46 33 33 33
fax : 01 44 07 22 40
Métro : Pont Marie ou Saint Michel
Tous les jours de 10h30 à 19h30

Adresse :

36 rue Vieille du Temple - 75004 Paris France
tél : 01 42 71 50 06
fax : 01 42 71 50 33
Métro : Hôtel de ville
Tous les jours de 11h00 à 19h30

Submitted by Scott Lee on


Hi Peter, I hope you had fun in Paris, it’s hard not to. If I could be so bold, I humbly submit that you didn’t quite catch the French phrase in your shopping interaction. The shop person more likely said “C’est pour offrir?” (ie, “It’s for giving,” or “It’s a gift?”). Whence the wrapping job. You were close though, and not bad for someone who has 43 years of French to catch up on.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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